Here are some character driven comedy performances I have done in the past.
Description: Trifinia is an alian who travels through space and time. She is presented as a superhero but is in fact more of a "Female Mr. Bean in Space".
It was a pilot for a youtube web series. (I didn't continue filming though, since I would rather have it produced it better quality one day).
I have pre-written about 10 episodes for her. And I have recently written a short film script based on the same character.
Please get in touch if you would like to know more.
Description: Stella is terrified of public speaking and she is also really REALLY bad at it. Nevertheless she decides to position herself as a Public Speaking Expert and starts teaching others how to do it.
I have done several performances with this character (different performances), including a stand-up.
Description: This is another "Horrible Advice" video.
The character is a self-proclaimed expert on relationships and happiness.
Whereas in her own life she is desperate for a husband and by far not as happy as she pretends to be.
Description: Minerva is not the sharpest tool in the shed.
In this video she is trying to challenge some social stereotypes. The problem is that she herself believes in the stereotypes more than anyone.